Even the most anti-war individual should hold an American soldier in high regard. They are our own. Fighting for us and protecting your right to whatever opinion you may hold about Iraq or war in general.
But the real question that we need to ask is how are veterans are being treated after sustaining injuries in battle. Who's supporting them now? The real answer may surprise you. I'm sure you've heard about Walter Reed? The military medical center for injured veterans? These issues are deplorable. Forget the middle east. It's time we focused on the forgotten hero's of this country. Read the story from the Washington Post for more info:
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That video made me cry. My heart goes out to our troops. What can be done about our governments accountability to the troops? Do they just use them and then forget them? Really? Because it would seem so. We should send the politicians out to fight this war. Let them experience first hand the concequences of there decisions. Let them rot in some poorly managed hospital. Don't worry though, we'll all tell you what a great job you're doing.
Hey great stuff, video very touching and Washington Post article very interesting. I feel very stong about our troops being our number one priority in Iraq. Hilary would be the last person in the world I would want to be our next president however, it realy makes me wonder what a girl with the last name Clinton would do with such a situation when she can not even control things happening in her own bedroom.
Remember the Troops, Support them and their dedication to our country. Don't forget 9-11. When you forget, it will happen again. This is a persistent enemy our country is fighting. They are dedicated to killing us for thousands of years. Look at there history. Remember: those who don't learn from history are bound to repeat it.
I couldn't agree more with the comments above mine. Why does it seem like the only time the government takes corrective action is when they are put on the hot seat. When all eyes are on them and everyone's aware of the difficency, then they point fingers. They fire people and claim they are on top of it. Thank God for the media or nothing would ever get done. Let's send a camera crew into ever facet of government. A lot more people need to be fired.
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